My account

A path of intelligent decisions.

Since 2005 we focus on the consistent management of the wealth of individuals, institutions and corporations.

We believe in dynamic and collaborative work teams, in technology applied to the business and in our funds' originality and robustness. But, above all, we believe in the path of trust, thoroughness and transparency. In building, hand in hand with our clients, a road of intelligent decisions for a future of solid results

We create investment products from our knowledge of the market, taking into account our clients' needs and the context. We build strong relationships based on trust. We bring the two together to make the right decisions.

Our foundations

Excellence in close proximity

We detect opportunities and transform them into strategic possibilities, with seriousness and thoroughness. Quality and cordiality come together in our bonds with our clients.

Consistent Transparency

Our reputation is an asset that differentiates us. Above all, it is part of our DNA: an ethical, personal, and unavoidable commitment that defines who we are on a daily basis.

Applied Innovation

We see technology as a means: rigorous, agile and original processes for precise solutions. True innovation is that which promotes a solid future.

Bonds of trust

We create honest ties that originate from the commitment to preserve seriousness in manners, approach and service: the individual comes first.


Talent. Commitment. Experience. Delta is, above all, a team of experts.

Delta Asset Management's team has been awarded on several occasions with the Top Managers award by S&P and Revista Apertura, and is a benchmark in the Asset Management market. Distinguished for our skills in the management of Fixed Income, Equity and Balanced Absolute Return investment portfolios.

Delta Asset Management provides its clients with the best human talent in the market, together with an experienced commercial and investment team, and a solid operations & IT group.


Eduardo Tapia
Eduardo Tapia

Eduardo is one of the founding partners of RJ Delta, and the current and main shareholder of Delta Asset Management, a continuation of RJ Delta. He is also President at Latin Securities and Latin Advisors. Since the year 2016 he serves as regular Director at ByMA (Bolsas y Mercados de Argentina). Between 2014 and 2016 he served as Director at Merval SA (Mercado de Valores). Between 2008 and 2012 he served as Vice-president of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange.

Management Team

Sigrid Tolaba
Chief Executive Officer
Sigrid Tolaba. CEO

More than 30 years of experience leading mutual fund companies in Argentina. She is a certified public accountant graduated from the University of Buenos Aires and holds an MBA from the IAE Business School at Universidad Austral. Previously, she has served as general manager at renowned fund administrators, including Southern Trust and Toronto Trust. Additionally, she is a board member of the Argentine Institute of Finance Executives and the Argentine Chamber of Mutual Funds.

Matías Cremaschi
Chief Investmen Officer
Matías Cremaschi . CIO

More than 20 years experience in the financial market, 10 as Portfolio Manager at Delta Asset Management.

Soledad Castro
Chief Operating Officer
Soledad Castro . COO

More than 28 years of experience in the financial market. Previously Director at Financial Intelligence Unit of Argentina (UIF), CEO at Argentine Securities Commission (CNV), Deputy General Manager at BYMA Group and Chief Legal Counsel at Ualintec (Ualá Group).

Sebastián Liutvinas
Commercial Head
Sebastián Liutvinas . Commercial Head

More than 20 years experience in the financial market. Previously Director at Standard & Poor's Latin America.

Fernando Estigarribia
Head Of Operations
Fernando Estigarribia . Head Of Operations

More than 22 years of experience in the Asset Management industry. Previously at Santander Asset Management and ING Group.


More than 17 years of innovation


Delta’s co-founder Eduardo Tapia, acquired total control of the Company and reinforces the long-term commitment with clients and distribution channels, continuing with the growth and development initiated in 2005.


In accordance with the setup of an independent management team that began in 2020, Christian Cavanagh stepped down as Chief Investment Officer of the company to continue to contribute his experience and vision from the Board of Directors.

The investment team is now led by Matías Cremaschi (Chief Investment Officer - Equities) and Damián Lorenzo (Chief Investment Officer - Fixed Income).


Gabriel Ruiz delegates his executive role in the Company as Chief Executive Officer to Guillermo Konecny, who until now had served as Business Development Manager.

Gabriel Ruiz continues as Chairman of the Board of Directors at Delta Asset Management.


A new Fund regulation is approved, allowing Delta to expand both its distribution network and its range of products.

This consolidates Delta's leading position.


In February 2017, Delta reaches a new record in assets under management.


Local shareholders acquire Raymond James Financial's entire shareholding in RJ Delta Asset Management.

The company is now known under its present name: Delta Asset Management.

Shareholders Gabriel Ruiz, Chief Executive Officer, and Christian Cavanagh, Chief Investment officer, both with over 20 years in the asset management industry, gain control of the company and continue to lead it.

Eduardo Tapia continues as a major shareholder of the company.

This transaction reinforces the long-term commitment with clients and distribution channels.


Delta celebrates its 10th anniversary. The company's portfolio totals 19 funds in five segments, including fixed income, equities and balanced funds.

The company workforce reaches 30 people consolidating three well differentiated but integrated teams: Operations, Commercial and Investments.

RJ Delta consolidates its leadership in both the Institutional and Retail segments, positioning itself as an undisputed benchmark for the local Asset Management industry.


S&P Fund Star Ranking acknowledges several of our Funds, including: RJ Delta Acciones, Global, Renta IV, Federal I, Ahorro, Renta, Renta 2, Empresas Argentinas PYME and Multimercado I.

We continue to see sustained growth in assets and the consolidation of the RJ Delta brand in the market.


The company consolidates its position in the market reaching the first USD 500 million in assets under management.

RJ Delta Renta IV is the best performing fund in its segment


RJ Delta Multimercado I is acknowledged as the best performing fund of the year in the Argentine mutual fund industry.

RJ Delta Global fund is transformed into the first "dollar-linked" fund in the market.


Banco Ciudad becomes RJ Delta Funds distributor after being the winning company in an open and public bidding process.

Once again, the company receives awards as Top Manager for Equity and Mixed Income.


Launch of RJ Delta Multimercado I, the first absolute return fund in the local market.

The company obtains new award as Top Manager in the equity segment.

RJ Delta Acciones is acknowledged as the best fund in terms of performance in its segment.


The company is once again awarded Top Manager status in the Fixed Income and Equity segments.

The company moves to the building at 1186 Cerrito Street and doubles the size of the office.


Christian Cavanagh, from BBVA Francés Asset Management, joins the company as partner and Chief Investment Officer.

The company successfully weathered the global financial crisis and consolidates its position in the local market.

The first ten Mutual Funds are achieved.


The company receives its first Top Manager awards in the Fixed Income and Equity segments.

Banco Industrial begins distributing RJ Delta funds.


The company opens the new office in downtown Buenos Aires, San Martín 344.

Following an exhaustive due diligence process, the fund distribution agreement with Citibank is completed. New Fixed Income and Equity funds continue to be launched, reaching the first seven products in the company's portfolio.


RJ Delta Fund Management is created with the objective of becoming the leader in the Asset Management industry in Argentina.

El proyecto se inicia de la mano de Gabriel Ruiz, proveniente de Santander Asset Management, como Chief Executive Officer. Tiempo después, Gabriel se convierte a su vez en accionista de la compañía. Participan del directorio, Eduardo Tapia y Raymond James Financial Inc. 

The first Fixed Income and Equity Mutual Funds are launched.