A Mutual Fund is created when a group of people with similar investment objectives contribute their money to be managed by a professional, investing in a diversified asset portfolio.
In developed countries, mutual funds are a widespread and growing investment instrument. Today, in the United States for example, they represent one of the most important financial sectors in terms of asset volume, followed by commercial banks and insurance companies.
Liquidity: you have access to your money when you need it, not having to wait for your investment to mature.
Expert management: you delegate decision-making to a group of professionals specifically dedicated to analyzing local and international markets and making the most appropriate investment decisions in order to achieve the investment objective of the Fund in which you have invested.
Diversification: it allows investment in different financial instruments, minimizing the risk you would assume by investing in only one.
Easy access: No matter how small your investment is, the Mutual Funds allow you to access alternatives that were only reserved to big Investors.
Accessibility:: no matter how small your savings may be, Mutual Funds allow you to access alternatives which until now were only available to large investors.
Simplicity:: unlike other alternatives, your investment in Mutual Funds has no expiration date and does not need to be renewed.
Transparency: it facilitates the investment follow-up through the share value, which is daily published in the media.
Liquidity Funds (Money Market):
a very conservative and appropriate investment for those who want to invest their money in the short term, with immediate liquidity and free from price fluctuations.
Bonds or Fixed Income Funds:
represent a medium/long-term investment. Moderate yield and price fluctuations.
Mixed Funds:
combine different financial assets, such as bonds, shares and time deposits, among others. Their risk and return will depend on the performance of each of them.
Equity Funds:
represent a long-term investment. They have potentially high returns and are subject to the stock market's price fluctuations.
Learn more by accessing the FCI manual approved by the CNV.
If you are already a direct client of Delta Asset Management, you can now apply for online subscriptions and redemptions through the link MY ACCOUNT.
If you are not yet a registered user, you can complete your application here.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: Verify the data and indicate the amount to be subscribed. Then confirm Terms and Conditions.
REDEMPTIONS: Indicate whether it is a partial or total redemption. Then verify the data and enter the number of shares or amount to be redeemed. Confirm Terms and Conditions to finalize.
After entering the transaction, you can check the status of your request in the TRANSACTIONS – MY REQUESTS menu.
Transactions must be entered between 09.00hs and 16.00hs for the whole family of funds (excluding Delta Pesos). In the particular case of the Delta Pesos Fund, redemptions may be entered until 16.30hs and subscriptions until 17.30hs.
Remember that, in the case of SUBSCRIPTIONS, after submitting the application you must transfer the money to the account of the fund in which you are subscribing.
The SUBSCRIPTION is considered completed on the day on which the money is actually received in the account of the corresponding fund. You can find payment instructions and the details of each account by clicking here.
FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) was approved by the US government on March 18, 2010. FATCA requires Foreign Financial Institutions (FFIs) to identify, report and (in some cases) withhold funds from US persons. FATCA came into force on July 1, 2014.
The objective is to detect and prevent tax evasion of foreign investments of US residents and citizens. Non-US financial institutions have a significant incentive to comply with this law, as it is the only way to avoid the 30% withholding tax on any US source payments received subject to withholding.
FATCA is a broad regime and can impact any natural or legal person, US or foreign, if that person is involved in making or receiving payments that fall within the FATCA scope.
1) In countries with Model 1 Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs), FFIs must comply under local regulation and report to their tax authority, that will exchange information with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
2) In Model 2 IGA countries, FFIs must comply with local regulations, sign a FATCA agreement with the IRS and report directly to the IRS. The requirements for compliance with this law are set out in the IGA signed by that country.
3) In countries that have not signed an IGA (e.g. Argentina), FFIs must sign FATCA agreements with the IRS and report directly to the IRS.
Delta Asset Management S.A. has agreed to participate in FATCA and to comply with the requirements and obligations of this law so that it can continue to provide quality financial services to its clients.
We have entered into an agreement with the IRS, under which we must obtain and verify certain information from our clients, report certain US client information to the IRS and eventually withhold from certain recalcitrant clients or Non-Participating Foreign Financial Institutions. FATCA requires us to review our existing customer acceptance and withholding processes and adjust them accordingly, as needed.
As established by the IRS, FATCA became effective on July 1, 2014.
This law requires us to determine the FATCA status of new clients as of that date, before accepting them as clients, and of pre-existing clients. To this end, they are required to sign a self-certification of their FATCA status as a US person or non-US person.
Reporting of U.S. person accounts to the IRS is done every year no later than March 30. Please contact your tax advisor if you have specific US tax questions or visit www.irs.gov for more information.